Internal Complaint and Gender Sensitization Committee

Are You Being Sexually Harassed?

If you are a female student or employee experiencing sexual harassment at your college or if you want to help a victim, read the Act on Sexual Harassment by clicking on the following link:

The sexual harassment of Women at workplace Act, 2013

This law came into effect on December 9th, 2013. The University of Delhi adopted it on January 9th, 2014 and issued the notification on the same day.

What constitutes sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual behavior of direct or implied nature such as:

  • Physical contact and advances
  • Request for sexual favors
  • Sexually colored remarks
  • Showing pornography
  • Unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal sexual conduct

How does one prepare a complaint?

  • Write exactly what happened with details, dates, names of witnesses & documents, if any.
  • Be specific about the incident/incidents.
  • Be honest as false complaints can invite penalties.
  • You need to file a complaint of sexual harassment within three months of the incident.

How to file the complaint?

A complaint may be filed through the email id &


Submit the complaint directly either to Dr. Naveen Dua, Presiding officer, Internal Complaints and Gender Sensitisation Committee or Administration Office.

Internal Complaints and Gender Sensitisation Committee

Name of the members Mobile No. Email ID
Dr. Naveen Dua (Presiding Officer) 9899210953
Dr. Rekha Sharma 9873203535
Mrs. Navdeep Kaur 9999473808
Dr. Saranjit Kaur (Library) 8851022040
Mrs.Rekha Gupta (Advocate) 81300-72552
Bhavneet Singh 8595469725
Dalisha Trikha 9899310945
Ishmeet Singh 8800775776

Gender Sensitization Action Plan

Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce aims to create a gender-sensitized and gender-just environment in the campus, bringing the change in mindsets and a shift in perspectives. We put an impetus on behavioural modification by raising awareness on gender equality concerns and providing a gender-inclusive environment for teaching- learning, technological creation, innovation, development, and research on campus. Promoting communication in respect of human dignity and social responsibility is what the institution continues to strive for in future. The plan of action towards Gender Sensitization on Campus in the upcoming years is summarized below.

  • Various campaigns, training sessions, webinars, workshops, etc. will be conducted to promote diversity and gender-inclusive communication, involving all the stakeholders on campus.
  • Conducting regular activities for raising awareness among student and staff members, fair representation of leadership roles, facilitating impartial participation, and gender balance in team-based projects is envisioned.
  • Women Development Cell and NSS Unit of the College are working towards promoting equality and raising awareness on women-related issues through different events planned in future.
  • Different activities and themes on gender parity, embedded in the curriculum to be promulgated.
  • Sessions focusing on gender, women’s rights, and women empowerment will be conducted for students by the departmental faculty members.
  • Regular counselling sessions will be continued for the girl students by the female faculty members. Weekly meetings between the mentor and mentee will also ensure to ease the psychological stress among students.
  • The college continues to promote events which emphasize on the current judicial scenario for sexual harassment at workplace and various dos and don’ts for prevention of such malpractices.
  • Meetings of the Internal Complaints and Gender Sensitisation Committee for Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace to be regularly held, ensuring safety and security of women in college premises.