Journal of Business Thought is an annual publication of Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi. The main objective of the Journal is to provide an intellectual platform that encourages research scholars and academicians to share contemporary thoughts in related fields of finance, business, development economics and public policy. The Journal focuses on analytical and quality research work. It publishes contributions in the form of original research papers, review articles, case studies, abstracts of doctoral thesis, technical notes, book reviews and recent updates on policy changes at national and global levels. It intends to cover a plethora of topics relating to, though not limited to, finance, taxation, banking, marketing, management, economic policy and sustainability, global integration, development studies, business ethics, corporate governance, cross-cultural studies, and corporate social responsibility.
The Journal is double blind peer-reviewed and fully refereed. It is co-published with Informatics Publishing Limited
The Journal is available in print as well as online